Albert Einstein is reported to have said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”.
Not one to turn down the advice of someone of Einstein’s intellect, I’ve decided to move Smartshots WHQ (World Headquarters) once again.
WHQ in Richmond has served me well for two years, but a number of factors have converged to make right now the perfect time to move my business back to the kitchen table at home in Preston:
- Landlord and co-tenant D&D Global Group have shut their business down.
- The vast majority of my work is on location – having a swanky studio is nice, but I really can’t justify the overhead
- Working from home massively reduces my carbon footprint on non-shooting days
How does this affect you?
Well, it doesn’t, really. It’s business as usual. My contact details remain the same, apart from the land line telephone. It’s usually best to call me on my mobile (0412 206 437), or you can skype me, if you’re that way inclined.
If you have a job for which we need a studio, there are a number of excellent hire studios around Melbourne.
And for those important production meetings, I’m happy to come to you – or your favourite cafe 🙂
If you have any questions about all this, please drop me a line.