I’ve been dabbling with blogging since 2002, but until now never quite had the… discipline to (a) post regularly and (b) muck around with the damn thing enough to get it looking the way I want.
Well, that’s all about to change
For now I’m just using a nasty Blogger template (apologies to Douglas Bowman) until I get the time to tweak it to match the rest of the site and encompass some useful functionality for you.
So why did I finally decide to get serious about blogging?
The evidence has become overwhelming that it’s a good idea!
Here’s why:
- It’s an easy way for YOU to learn about commercial photography from ‘behind the camera’ (or whatever it is you came here to learn) without giving ME anything (like your e-mail address). All you need to do is either drop by at the website or subscribe to the feed with your favourite feed reader.
- It’s a quick and convenient way for ME to keep clients, friends, and whoever, informed about what I am doing, what’s happening, and what I think about it all (just in case you care – which you obviously do, or you wouldn’t be here!)
- It’s dead easy! I got this thing set up in, like, 10 minutes. OK, so it doesn’t look very impressive yet, but I decided not to let perfection get in the way of going ahead with something useful.
Anyway, that’s plenty for a first post! I hope my insights will be of some interest or use to you. Of course I welcome your comments here on the blog or privately by e-mail. My contact details are elsewhere on my website (well, I can’t make it too easy for you, can I).